Hall Happenings in Haysboro This February

Haysboro cn

by Fiona

There were over 100 Christmas movies on W Network and CTV that followed the same basic premise of boy and girl meet or re-meet, as it often happens. There is attraction, conflict, and then finally they get together. I am slightly embarrassed to say that I have watched just about all of them this Christmas holiday. It is rugby all over again, and lack of sleep has had me watching sappy Hallmark romances – and yes – the winter and Valentines ones have been watched as well. Garry, like other husbands, laugh and roll their eyes when they ask what we are watching, much like we might do for them watching sports or some violent program. I don’t know why I like the movies, but they are relaxing, full of hope, and have happy endings. Modern day fairytales without the castles, wicked witches, and fairies. Sometimes we wish that our lives were fairytales and that everything wrapped up nicely after 45 minutes, or 90 minutes, but that is not reality, or is it? As I think on this, though, I realize that our life is full of happy endings. A meal with friends, a movie with a child, skating with your family, walking the dog – every activity can be wrapped up in a happy ending, perhaps not a happily ever after, but a happily right now. To see these happy moments, we need to be present, to be aware, to be awake.

Mindfulness is the act, or perhaps art, of being present in a given moment; recognizing what is going on, appreciating the people in it, the activity itself, and giving thanks for it. It should be an easy thing to do, but it takes practice, intention, and yes – ‘mindfulness’. And this can be a great gift to yourself as you put your focus on the good that surrounds you and the good within you. I think that watching these movies is the opposite of mindfulness, when we slip into a coma and turn our brains off, relaxing into the simplicity of what we are watching/listening to. I am not saying that it is bad, just a different act – escaping rather than experiencing.

At the hall, we offer programs that will bring you perhaps a new experience or escape. How about learning to play the ukulele on February 28? What about a learning experience for your child on March 14 about Safety and, for yourself, something on parenting? Once a month we have a time of escape with a movie – ‘A Late Quartet’ in February, ‘Brittany Runs a Marathon’ in March, and ‘Ford versus Ferrari’ in April. Karen was just in and she is going to do family dance nights on the Thursdays of non-instruction day weekends for all ages.

There are Games Nights, Sports Nights, Pub Nights. We have all sorts of options to allow for opportunities to be mindful and mindless.

In relation to the idea of mindfulness and finding the happy in all things, if anyone knows anyone who does a workshop/instructor who does ‘Mindfulness and Chronic Pain,’ let me know. Or maybe you have an idea? Let’s make 2020 a wonder-filled, mindful year full of happy endings!