Haysboro’s Editor’s Note for June

Haysboro cn

Haysboro has many places to enjoy – It has about seven playgrounds, a walking path, and on off-leash dog park. It is very close to Glenmore Park and Fish Creek Park. It has five schools, and an arena and swimming pool nearby. Fast food and slow food restaurants – even a new Turkish coffee shop! We feel very fortunate to live in Haysboro and to be a part of the community. The HCA Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday, June 28 and I really hope you will come and support the volunteers (and staff) who work hard to find and provide programming, maintain and rent out the facilities, and build community spirit.

Another place that you might drive by and not really see is the RCL. There is lots to do there too! Did you know ‘Meat Draws’ are a real thing? –one time we bought some tickets and went home with a bag of meat! Garry left with $100, and we met knew people and had some fun!

The HCA is always looking for great people to help out. Do you have a skill that you could share with your community? If yes, and I know you do, come out and support the HCA. This summer as you walk or cycle around Haysboro, notice old and new things, opportunities, and experiences.

Haysboro has a lot to offer – how can you give back?

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