Haysboro’s Hall Happenings for June

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Please put the HCA AGM on your calendar, which is happening on June 27, 2022. All HCA members are welcome to attend. Hopefully our parking lot paving will also be starting on that day. Yippee! Please be aware that the parking lot will not be accessible for at least one week. We have had lots of questions about the tennis courts rehabilitation. Unfortunately, we didn’t receive the grant to enable us to do the tennis courts this summer, but the board has reapplied for next year’s funding. The tennis courts will continue to be opened for public use this year.

In April, we started to offer some old-time favourite programming. Please join us for:

Tot Time: Mondays from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Ends June 20 and will resume in September. This is a time for caregivers to bring their children and meet other families in the community while the kids get to play with a variety of toys. The $1 drop-in fee covers coffee expenses.

Haysboro Senior Resource Group: Fourth Tuesday of every month at 1:30 pm. Come and say hi to old and new neighbours, enjoy a variety of presentations and events throughout the year, and of course, there are always cookies! Plans are already underway for the Big Holiday Luncheon in December!

Tai Chi: Ongoing and a new session year will start in September. Tai Chi runs Tuesday and Fridays with 12 classes per session. Registration is on the website at haysboro.org.

The toy library, puzzle library and bookshelves are open again. All are welcome to come and loan out a puzzle (all abilities), toys, or pick up a used book for 50 cents (or donation).

Please keep in mind that the Skate Shack is now a flex space that can be booked by donation by HCA Members (so make sure to keep your membership up to date!) It is a great indoor space with access to washrooms – perfect for a picnic, birthday party, family gathering, or ball hockey afternoon. Contact the office to book.

Drop-in during office hours on Tuesdays to say hello!

Diane and Cinnamon

HCA Administration Team