Kingsland’s July President’s Message


Summer is here, I hope everyone is enjoying the remarkable warm weather, any chance you get.

School is out soon; I encourage families to take advantage of the great outdoor activities and maybe discover a few new spots in and around Calgary. Check out these two websites for more information: City of Calgary free summer events or

Rink replacement is complete, so take a stroll to see our new rink. The basketball hoops should be up and ready for the folks to play ball. Maybe the next Raptor will be a Kingsland player?

Amy joined the Board, as of May 23, 2019, as a new Open Director. She is interested in assisting with the Planning Committee. Thank you, Amy, for supporting your community.

Kingsland’s website has a new look – it has been updated and enhanced and went live June 3, 2019. Go to to check it out. It would be great to get some feedback.

The board would like to hear from the residents; send your emails to [email protected]. How are we doing? Do you like the information on Facebook, the hall, website, events, clean-up day, etc.?

Board meetings will resume in September, with the first meeting to be announced in the newsletter. Check the website for additional information. Thank-you to my fabulous team, the Board of Directors, for volunteering your time to support our community. Take time to relax and enjoy your summer.

“The secret of relaxation is in these three words: ‘Let it go!’” ― Dada J. P. Vaswani

Christine Dombroski