Kingsland’s May President’s Message


I hope everyone had a special and unique Easter. Connecting with family may have been challenging with the call to stay-home in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We are very lucky that, in today’s world, we have several options to stay in touch – church celebrations via live-streaming, sharing FaceTime with relatives, perhaps creating a little family video to share may be exciting, etc.

Social distancing is essential to reduce the number of people contracting the virus. We are in this together, and together we can make a difference. To quote Dr. Deena Hinshaw, “COVID-19 has forced us to make some extremely difficult decisions. We have had to weigh lives against livelihoods. And in order to save lives, I have had to make recommendations that will take away livelihoods for many Albertans over the next several weeks to months.” Check the website for some reference links for assistance.

Check the website and Facebook for more community activities to be keep the community active during the prevention measures and self-isolation.

Stay tuned, Kingsland is launching the “Community Connecting – Self-Isolation 2020 Art Project” series over the next 3 months.

How is your neighbour? Do you have elder neighbours? Please check with them to see if they require help.

May is KCA Membership Renewal or Purchase Month!

In these difficult times, are you in a position to support your community.

Kingsland Memberships are due in the month of May. Several options are available to purchase/renew your membership; please go to the website for online payment,, or mail the membership form, which is conveniently located in the “Kingsland Post” monthly newsletter. Fill in the form, attach your cheque, and place in the mailbox at the hall.

Our preschool was involved in creating art for the catwalk (Kirby & 7th Street) art. Take a stroll to see the little masterpieces.

The social events for May and June will be cancelled to avoid crowds. More information will be sent out via the Social Director’s email.

If you require any information, our Hall Manager will be available. Please contact the KCA Hall, 403-255-1400.

Keep Healthy – It’s Up to You!


The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow – Robert Tew.

No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted – Aesop.

Christine Dombroski
