Kingsland’s President’s Message for January


Happy New Year, Neighbours!

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and were able to celebrate, rest, and recharge in all the ways most meaningful to you.

As we move into 2022, I am feeling cautiously optimistic that things will move back in the direction of normal. Although our board has been awesome in looking for COVID-friendly ways to engage with the community, I’m sure many of us have been missing our standard community engagement events like the Cookie Exchange and Movie in the Park. Our hope is that 2022 will bring some of those much-loved events back for all of us to enjoy. If you have an idea for an event you’d like to share with us for the upcoming year, please send us an email at [email protected] or reach out to us on social media!

If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to get more involved in your community, reach out to us so that we can help find a volunteer opportunity to suit your interests. This goes for any of our potential youth volunteers as well! The Kingsland Community Association is proud to sponsor a Community Youth Volunteer Award each year for Kingsland youth that can show they have completed at least 15 volunteer hours either in Kingsland or in the broader Calgary community. If you know a Kingslander aged 12 to 25 that might be interested in applying for the award, direct them to our website or send us an email for more information.

I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the winter weather and our wonderful outdoor rinks and sledding hill over the next few months.

All the best,

Charlotte Pickel, KCA President