Kingsland’s President’s Message for October


by Christine Dombroski, President, Kingsland Community Association

As I am writing, we continue to have sunny days, but fall is creeping up as the September long weekend frost was a good indicator.  I hope that everyone had a great summer and accomplished all their to-do-lists.

The board had their first fall meeting early in September, and it was great to see everyone after the summer break. We welcomed Sandra Csizmadia as a guest who is interested in being on the board. Thank you, Sandra!

KCA is preparing for a major deck, lower hall entrance, and kitchen and flooring renovations/replacements.  The first step for the major project was an in-person walk-about with the IBI Group and the City to review and evaluate our concerns, as well as requests for repairs/enhancements, which were completed end of August. We look forward for feedback and approval from the city.

The Treasurer, Hall Manager, President, and Bookkeeper completed the preparation of the financials records for the auditors. Due to COVID-19, the auditors requested the records to be uploaded electronically for the auditors to review.

The AGM is the most important meeting of the year and we encourage residents to attend; our hall can hold 100 people. Our historical attendance is approximately 25 to 30 residents. We feel confident with COVID-19 preventive measures of social-distance, wearing masks, and hand sanitizers available for the use of everyone, and that our meeting will be successful. Mark your calendars, and come support your community and the dedicated board volunteers who continue to make Kingsland an attractive and safe place to live.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Where: at Kingsland hall – 505 – 78 Avenue SW

Date:   Thursday, October 22, 2020

Time:   7:00 PM

Please attend the AGM to familiarize yourself with the community association business. We require quorum to conduct the meeting.

Board Volunteers Are Required

Commitment: Attend monthly meetings held the 4th Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm

The AGM 2019 minutes are available on the website ( for review prior to the meeting. The minutes from 2019 will be approved at the October 2020 AGM meeting.

My closing quote: “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” (T.S. Eliot)