Marda Loop Volunteers October Update

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“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

Dr. Seuss

We have upcoming opportunities to serve on our board. If you are interested in serving or would like to know more, please contact [email protected].

Several of our committees are seeking additional members, so consider giving your time and using your skills to contribute to our community! Email [email protected] if you’re interested in one of the following committee opportunities:

  • Indulge – If you are social, creative, and love to plan fun and engaging events, we’re looking for you to help with the 2022 edition of Indulge.
  • Preschool – Accounting, finance, or bookkeeping background? The MLCA Preschool is in need of a treasurer so we can put your skills to very good use!
  • Crime Prevention – Make recommendations on crime reduction strategies for our neighbourhoods and offer MLCA members a venue to address concerns and discuss crime prevention.
  • Facilities Committee – With extensive facilities from the hall and parking lot to the tennis and volleyball courts, it’s clear why it takes a team to create and execute a plan to maintain all of our facilities.
  • Marketing – The creativity of this committee is key to support all our other committees. We’re looking for a graphic designer and content writer to share their talents with our community.
  • Mobility – Encourage improvements and programs that focus on the safety of community streets for neighbours to walk, run, bike, and drive. They also help MLCA members address their mobility issues and concerns such as parking, crosswalks, speed bumps, etc.
  • Sustainability – This team organizes community engagement and educational events and develops and supports sustainable initiatives for our community.

If you would like to be added to our event volunteer roster, please email [email protected].

Christine Mihailedes

Director of Volunteers