MLCA Seniors Smitten with Love in February – March

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Everyone knows that when February shows up, love is all around us.

When the senior members and their guests got together early that month, they were treated to a musical comedy entitled “So this is #LOVE?” The show was performed by Margaret Dahlberg who is dedicated to creating works to inspire joy and connection in people of all ages. She is a Calgary native, composer of multiple albums and singles, music educator, an excellent pianist, and creator of musical pursuits. Her hilarious show left us all reminiscing about our own experiences in the pursuit of true love. It certainly can be hard to find!

However, love is certainly easy to share and with Margaret’s encouragement, the seniors were able to raise $895 in donations for Fear Is Not Love (formerly Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter). Lisa Zoppa, Team Lead Community Engagement was there in person to receive this generous donation.

Pictures taken at the event show how much the audience appreciated Margaret’s performance and we thank her for sharing her valuable time and talent with us.

On another note, this is a reminder that if anyone is interested in joining a journaling group with Eileen Nesbitt, who conducted a workshop for us in January, please let me know at the email address below.

Heather Bhatty

Director “Seniors in the Loop”

[email protected]