Oakridge’s Civic and Planning Activities for March


During January and early February, our Civic Affairs activities have continued to be fairly quiet.

We have been involved with and are responding to questions and concerns from Oakridge residents:

  • Snow clearing responsibilities
  • Adequate drainage to prevent ice build up
  • Bear bins at end of walkways
  • Off leash areas – reduced areas and new signs
  • Parking and increased traffic adjacent to dog park
  • Request to name off leash park as “Anne Arnold Park”
  • General and specific pedestrian safety
  • Specific permits, including potential for new liquor store at 10015 Oakfield Drive SW

We have also been advised by CO-OP that they will be restarting their redevelopment of their site in March.

Two activities reported on previously continue:

– Commenting on the ‘Guidebook for Great Communities’ located at https://www.calgary.ca/pda/pd/current-studies-and-ongoing-activities/guidebook-for-great-communities.html.

– Liaising with Palliser, Bayview, PumpHill Community Association (PBPCA) on their project with ‘Exploring Communities’ and their survey activities. This is ongoing and we are trying to stay abreast of their findings. The Federation of Calgary Communities (FCC) is partnering with the Urban Studies class from the University of Calgary to offer a community program called ‘Exploring Communities: Community Collabs’. This initiative focuses on implementing placemaking projects through identifying assets unique to each community.

We continue to have concerns raised with noise, as well as excessive speed/acceleration related to the South West Ring Road (SWRR) and its connecting roadways. Perhaps not as extreme as the early days in September/October, and now reduced due to extreme cold/winter weather, but the concern still exists. Pedestrian crossings across 90th Avenue remain the greatest safety concern. We encourage any resident wanting to communicate comments and concerns to call 311, while keeping the OCA informed. We are continuing to communicate with other CAs in District 32, particularly PBPCA and Cedarbrae Community Association to determine their experience/feedback from their residents.

We continue communicating with the City of Calgary Administration and Councillor Jeromy Farkas’s office regarding road safety, expected snow and ice removal, security, and general planning activities detailed above.