RCA Corner Notes for December

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For more updates, make sure to select your email preferences in your membership account to receive the monthly Rosscarrock e-newsletter.

Rosscarrock Community Fridge

The Rosscarrock Community Fridge is a shared space that provides 24/7 access to free, fresh, and nutritious food for anyone who may need it without judgement. It’s also a community hub, creating connections between neighbours, friends, and complete strangers. The fridge is a partnership between the Rosscarrock Community Association and a mutual aid group called The Hatch. Learn how to get involved with this community initiative by checking the news section on our website rosscarrock.org.

‘Tis the Season to Shine

After the success of our Halloween Decorating Contest (with special thanks to The Tree House Flower Shoppe, Safeway, and Gateway Newstands for donating prizes), we’re presenting another decorating contest with fantastic prizes. Let’s light up our community for the holidays!

To participate, email your name, address, and phone number to [email protected] by Tuesday, December 21, 2021.