Rosscarrock President’s Message – October


The air is crisp, some would say exhilarating! All three schools have welcomed new students as well as a number of familiar faces. I’ve returned back to studying Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines. The excitement of the start is now leading to patterns that continue onward, some for a long time – Congratulations Evan Woolley! He had a new beginning and a new chapter to his life. As many of us who have been or are fathers it is a precious and special privilege to raise a child. Markus will without a doubt add a different dimension to an already full life.

What’s your new beginning? Hopping on the bus to Mount Royal? Cramming while riding the c-train to the U of C? Flipping your first burger at the Dragon’s Lair Burger in the Westbrook Mall? Our community is the place of beginnings. Renewal. New life is starting even for those who have lived here for decades.

Quite often I stop by the hall and see some of those who are trying new things. I never heard of Pickleball before. It thrives in Rosscarrock. Whether its fibre arts or yoga, young people hanging out, there is something at the hall that should appeal to you or your family.

Ahmed Khan is our new Program Director. He is excited to expand our programming. With limited resources, Ahmed needs your help. He will be looking for needs in the community that can be helped with programs offered by the Association. His intent will not be to eliminate existing programs, but to expand and explore. With your help. This will be our ‘new’ thing this year. So explore what we already offer. Let us know what we should consider for the future.

Before I close off I wanted to thank Lemlem Haile and the Strong Neighbourhood Initiative. In parallel fashion they have been addressing several needs with programs offered through using skills developed through the initiative. Small community lead business and health programmes (think Zumba) as well as cultural events have grown and been supported by those who have grown in their abilities because of the support they have received through this initiative. We are honoured to share in small ways with their work. Fall has arrived. Instead of it being the season that is marked with decline, let’s make it a season of nurturing and growth! Focus on new beginnings.

Remember, you can reach me at either [email protected] or [email protected].