Rutland Park’s December Traffic and Development Report


by Leanne Ellis

VP Development and Traffic | [email protected]

I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

  1. As a short-term solution, the City has recommended that Richmond Green be used for disc golf for the 2021 season, until they make decisions about City golf courses as a whole. Unfortunately, they neglected the course for the entire summer, only cutting the grass like a hay field. They will have a lot of work ahead of them in the spring to make it usable for disc golf. I will follow up in the spring to make sure they are moving forward with something that will activate that space. In the meantime, I have contacted both our MP, and our MLA, to remind them that Richmond Green must remain green space in accordance with the special status it was given as part of the CFB West Master Plan.
  2. Given that our MP and our MLA had a town hall meeting, I also reached out to both of them with additional concerns. I asked Greg McLean to encourage Canada Lands to provide community use space for Currie residents, as well as a housing cooperative to provide affordable housing in Currie. I also raised our ongoing concerns with regards to the MDP changes, and the Guidebook for Great Communities—documents which will contravene our restrictive covenants, and give rise to law suits between neighbours if proposed developments fit the City’s mandate, but contravene the restrictive covenants. Areas of concern: a) Put density where density belongs. b) Lack of Engagement, Calgarians are generally not aware of the significant changes. c) No More Single-Family Areas, new bylaw for low-density residential. d) Insufficient Infrastructure, Green Spaces and Heritage Protections, Impacts to infrastructure, green spaces, and heritage. e) Loss of Community-Specific Policies and Contextual Development, Lack of detail in multi-community area plans.
  3. Last year we put in a request for 2 bus shelters on Sarcee Road, around the 4000 block (one on each side of the street for the stops closest to the Hall). I have followed up with the City. We are definitely still on the list, but they budget for only 25 new shelters a year, including new and extended bus routes. Not sure if/when we will get one, but we are definitely still on the list.
  4. We have requested “temporary” speed bumps be installed on auxiliary Sarcee Road, at the bottom of the hill where it connects with 31 St SW. People seem to be whipping around the corner as they enter the playground zone. Hopefully, we will be able to get these installed without a full Traffic Study.
  5. I have written a letter of support for Knox Presbyterian Church’s grant application to provide more activities for our seniors. Social isolation is a huge concern at this time, especially for our seniors, and hopefully this will enable them to get more residents engaged.
  6. The City is intending on changing the parking regulations for businesses, with the intent to allow developers to decide how much parking will be provided. This has the potential to be a huge problem when the Currie business and retail district is built out. We have signed on to a multi Community Association letter asking the City to keep developers accountable and have them cover the cost of parking for the projects they are building. At the very least we are hoping that they will acknowledge that one size does not fit all when it comes to business parking.
  7. Concern has been raised that the reflective warning sign for the curb extension on Sarcee Road at 35 Ave SW may be obstructing the view of traffic entering Sarcee Road at that location. I have put in a 311 request for the City to investigate the sight visibility triangle.

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