Rutland Park’s Development and Traffic Report for November


I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

  1. We continue to lobby to protect Richmond Green. We have reached out to the Provincial Government asking that they rescind the land use decision on Richmond Green because it contravenes the Municipal Development Plan, which falls under the Municipal Government Act. Thank you to retired planner, Bob Morrison, for doing the brunt of the work on the reasons to overturn letter. You can find a copy of our submissions here (Letter to Minister McIver and Reasons to Overturn Council Decision) –
  2. We have also submitted a series of questions on Richmond Green and asked that they form part of an Administrative Inquiry so that the new Council will be provided with pertinent facts about Richmond Green. Not all questions will be presented, but our request questions are also on the Richmond Green section of our website.
  3. We are looking for a new Director of Communication. Simon Davies has done a great job over the last eight years transitioning us to G-Suite and a new website but will be stepping down from this position by our next AGM. Simon has done most of the hard work, so the new Director should really be able to focus on adding updates to the website and to our outdoor sign. Please consider us for some of your volunteer time.
  4. We are also looking for someone to step into the role of secretary. Chantal joined us over the summer, but due to a change in her circumstances, will not be able to take on this very important position.
  5. Craig Marceau is currently covering two roles on the Board and is looking for someone to step into the VP Infrastructure role as well. Once again, he has done the heavy lifting in terms of getting our skateshack renovated, so the new director will have a much easier job.
  6. Our thanks go out to the volunteers who have helped us with events over the last two years. We had set a date of October 17 to celebrate and thank you for your contributions but have now had to cancel that date due to COVID gathering restrictions. Rest assured that we will host an event to thank you properly once the city has opened up again.
  7. As a follow up with regards to the unsubstantiated accusations Councillor Woolley has made against the RPCA, we have submitted a Report in Writing to Councillor Woolley, the Mayor, Manager Duckworth, the Integrity Commissioner, and the Whistle Blower Program. We believe his behavior contravenes the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials.
  8. Thank you to everyone who attended the Ward 8 Candidates Forum September 15. It was well attended, and residents have indicated that it was a great opportunity to find out about our Candidates. All of the Candidates were in attendance and spoke passionately about our city and their vision moving forward. All Candidates would support reversing the Richmond Green decision except Courtney Walcott, who continues to support the sale of the baseball diamonds.

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website, The city often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook – Rutland Park Community Association, and Currie Community. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Leanne Ellis, VP Development and Traffic

[email protected]