Rutland Park’s January Traffic and Development Report


by Leanne Ellis

VP Development and Traffic

[email protected]

I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

  1. In addition to the temporary speedbumps we have requested, we followed up with earlier traffic calming measures we had suggested to the City. We have already asked for a traffic study of the Flanders interchange (on a long list), and a stop sign at Mary Dover (City says the traffic level does not warrant one, only a yield sign which is already in place). The other areas we have asked to be addressed in the past are, Richmond Road at Kerrydale (curb extensions have been added), 33 St at Richmond Rd (nothing done and new bus route has more people crossing there), and the pedestrian crosswalk from Valour Park to 40 Ave (nothing done). We have also put in an online suggestion that the parking lane along Richmond Road just as it turns into 32 Ave SW, be extended until there is a boulevard in front of the homes (approximately 3023 32 Ave SW). We have been finding that traffic rips around the corner because people are racing to the lights and it opens into 2 lanes there. This would definitely add to traffic calming as well, since this road will continue to be 50 km/hr, but it is the one with the most accidents in our community. For both 33 St and Valour Park we had requested a pedestrian activated corridor (flashing lights). The City is reluctant to install them because of the cost, but possibly we could get a curb extension at 33 St with a high visibility crosswalk as a back up, and a high visibility crosswalk at Valour Park.
  2. Thank you to all of you who were able to join us for our AGM! Your ongoing support is much appreciated. Thank you to Peter Forte for staying on as Acting President for the next while. The position of President is open, and we would love to have you help us shape the future of our communities. Please consider taking on this extremely important role.
  3. We have had a suggestion to consider cricket as an option for Richmond Green. It is a worldwide sport and is accessible to people of all ages. It is a growing sport, and we do not have a lot of pitches in Calgary. I have put forward this suggestion to our City liaison to be included in the discussions around Richmond Green.
  4. Per a member request, a motion was passed at our AGM looking to survey Rutland Park homeowners with restrictive covenants on their lots, as to whether they would support a change to the restrictive covenants, that would allow for home based businesses which do not generate a lot of traffic or noise (basically to accommodate people with home offices). The RPCA will help do some legwork with regards to the survey, but any changes to the covenants will the responsibility (including cost) of the homeowners who may choose to bring a petition to the Courts.
  5. At our AGM, we also reaffirmed our commitment to the development committee process (and updated the description of the development committee). Thank you, Dave, Gayle, Husayn, and Mark for being on our development committee!
  6. Welcome Danny Greene as a new Director on our Board. We look forward to working with you.
  7. With increased COVID-19 restrictions, we have had to shift to virtual meetings until the restrictions are lifted. If you would like to participate in our monthly board meetings (7:00 pm the second Tuesday of each month), please email [email protected] so that we can include you in our virtual meeting. Thank you for your ongoing support.

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website – The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook—Rutland Park Community Association, and Currie Community. Thank you for your ongoing support.