Rutland Park’s June Traffic and Development Report


by Leanne Ellis

VP Development and Traffic | [email protected]

I would like to highlight what has been happening and going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

Thank you to the Horticultural Society for your donation of office furniture for our Skate Shack office. It will be used and is appreciated.

Thank you, James, for your donation of a sound bar and subwoofer to the Skate Shack TV. It will make a big difference at our sporting events.

May 10 will be the last time that the Richmond Green Baseball Diamonds go before Council in a closed-door meeting. We have done what we can to advocate for this space. The rest is up to the new Council.

There have been some recent land use applications for multi-family housing in Currie, so we will likely see some more development there this spring. So far, the only product that seems to be popular in Currie is single family homes. We will have to wait and see how the marketing of these projects goes.

June 4 is our Community Cleanup date. Hopefully you are/were able to take advantage of this awesome event! Thank you Sue and Chantal for organizing this!

Plans are underway for a Neighbour Day Event on June 18 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm at the Skate Shack. Thank you, Danny Greene, for spearheading this! Hope you are able to join us!

We are still looking for a treasurer at the time of this writing. We have a paid bookkeeper, so your time commitment should be about one hour per week and a two hour monthly meeting. This is a key position, and not something I want to be doing for an extended period of time. Please consider joining us!

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so through our website: The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook: Rutland Park Community Association. Thank you for your ongoing support.