Signal Hill Park Update


The area north of the Battalion Park School on Sienna Park Drive, all the way to Signal Hill Drive, is affectionately called by the city “The Joint Use Site”. This space is leased from the city, for no fee (other than utilities), for the enjoyment of all citizens of Signal Hill.

When Signal Hill was imagined, a special fund was set up by the developers of Signal Hill to provide amenities the community would identify as having the most relevance to its members. Volunteer Community Association Boards were tasked with planning and implementing the ideas. During the late 90s and into the new Millenium, the plans came to fruition. A building was erected, and the rink was constructed. Many hours of volunteer thought and effort were now tangible.

The next efforts involved the landscaping of the areas surrounding the newly formed infrastructure. Through the generosity of Calgary Greenworks, a detailed landscaping plan was drawn up and through two seasons and two landscapers, Alpha Better and Tree world, the parks were constructed and planted. Since 2001, the park area has been maintained by contractors and volunteers. The park is the largest expense incurred by the Community Association (using funds raised by casino volunteers, rental income, and memberships). Currently, the Board has hired FT Landscape to take care of the area from May until the end of September providing continual maintenance throughout the summer. They work tirelessly to improve the plantings and keep the flora in good shape.

In addition to our landscapers, we have a dedicated group of volunteers from the community who work annually to keep the site looking tidy and welcoming. John G. has planted flowerpots in the center of the parking lot for four consecutive summers. Terry M. used his gardening expertise to plant trees last year and grow perennials and wildflowers next to the parking lot stairs. Also, he is keeping those new trees watered this summer. A small volunteer group: Brian L., James H., and Gord V., propels the John Deere tractor around the site keeping the lawn tidy throughout the summer. The efforts of all these individuals help to make Signal Hill an exceptional community.

If you are interested in learning more about our Joint Use Site, please contact [email protected].

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