Signal Hill’s January President’s Message


Happy New Year!

Here we are – another new year and all the hopes associated with the opportunity for a “fresh start”. One of my hopes is that these notes I do each month provide some reasonable level of useful information, but I am curious to know how many of you read them. If you do, I would really appreciate you sending me an email ([email protected]) with just a title that simply says “Yes, I read your monthly message”. And now for this month’s highlights …

Board Activity and Plans

For those of you unable to attend the November AGM, thought you might be interested in what your Board is up to, and some of our plans for 2022. First of all, as part of an annual review of Community Associations across the city, the City of Calgary does a review of each CA’s operations and performs a risk assessment on various key aspects. For the most recent year, your SHCA obtained low risk ratings in all three key areas – financial, organizational health, and facilities. My thanks to all our Board members for their support and efforts in achieving this.

In terms of plans for 2022, and starting with overall governance, our priority is to maintain our financial strength and integrity. With the help of some COVID Relief Funding from the City, we have been able to maintain a solid financial position. In addition, we have now been scheduled to hold our key casino fundraising event in April. Other priorities include developing new fundraising sources and reviewing all our contract service agreements.

On the community engagement front, we are hopeful that this year will allow us to hold many of our popular events such as family skate parties, photo contest, Easter egg hunt, plant swap, clean-up day, parade of garage sales, and more food truck gatherings. And we plan to progress our Gathering Place Project (reminder: intended to create a more welcoming multi-seasonal, multi-generational, and multi-cultural space at our site on Sienna Park Drive by adding such things as benches, tables, games, awnings, play areas, creative artwork, etc. so that the space is more functional and better utilized throughout the year), with further opportunities for community involvement and input.

And finally with respect to our property responsibilities, the focus will be on maintaining safe, clean, and reliable facilities and equipment for all to enjoy.

All of this work is made possible through volunteer efforts, so we may be looking for some additional support as 2022 unfolds. Stay tuned.

Crime Prevention Tips

Our Calgary Police Service Community Resource Officer, Cst. David Prajoux has kindly provided us with a couple of pages of very useful crime prevention tips. These are included separately in this edition. Please review these as there are several key steps that can be taken to reduce risks and prevent crime from happening in your area.

Rink Update

At the time of writing this (mid-December), temperatures were dropping, and our dedicated rink volunteers were on the verge of flooding the rinks and getting them ready for winter fun. Hopefully by the time you read this, you and your family have had a chance to get out and enjoy some skating. While there are still ongoing concerns around COVID and the need for precautions, at least this year we are able to prepare full ice surfaces on both rinks.

Please note that masks will be required while inside our building using the change room facilities, and that the small rink is for leisure skating only (i.e., no sticks/pucks will be allowed). Your support and cooperation are appreciated.

All the best for 2022!

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association

[email protected]