Signal Hill’s October President’s Message


by Brian Lawrence, Signal Hill Community Association, [email protected]

Hello Signal Hill Neighbours,

While I suspect many of you have been dealing with the challenges of back-to-school or back-to-work over the past couple of months, or even just the added effort required to perform routine daily tasks involving outings and shopping, I hope you are taking a minute to read this newsletter. A few info and update items as follows…

Annual General Meeting

We have started planning for our AGM, which will be a bit more of a challenge this year. The current plan is to arrange an online/virtual meeting some time over the last two weeks of November. As soon as details are finalized, we will provide the information on our website, in this newsletter, and by direct email to SHCA members.

Are You a Signal Hill Historian?

One of the ideas submitted as part of my search for local content for this newsletter was to have a “Historical Signal Hill” section, which might highlight some interesting aspect of our community’s history with a photo and brief caption each month. If you are interested in being part of a group to work on something like this, or have a specific item already in mind, please let me know. Depending on the response, we’ll see if we can set this up as a regular newsletter feature.

Calgary Transit On-Demand Service

The City of Calgary is planning to try out a modified transit service in several parts of the City, including Signal Hill. Basically, there will no longer be scheduled main routes, but rather an “On Demand” service whereby users will request specific service via a smartphone app or by phone. Please see details in a separate article in this newsletter.

COVID Courtesy

While I’m sure the last thing you want or need right now is more commentary on the current pandemic situation, I would just like to pass along a couple of thoughts. As I walk around the community and visit some of the many shops and stores within Signal Hill, I have noticed how careful and accommodating most everyone is in terms of following the “new normal” practices of distancing and wearing a mask as applicable. In a world full of negative news, it’s quite reassuring to see the care and respect people are demonstrating for each other. As we head into cooler weather and perhaps more challenging times, and as a bit of what’s being referred to as “COVID Fatigue” sets in, please continue to demonstrate this high level of community spirit and respect for your neighbours. Thank you.