Signal Hill’s President’s Message for April


Hello Signal Hill Neighbours,

It’s spring, and everyone’s busy and anxious to get outside – so I’ll get right to the highlights…

Be a Member – Win a Pedalheads® Bike Camp (1-week/half-days) – Enter by April 10

In recognition of the upcoming 5th season that the Pedalheads Bike Camp group will be using our facilities for their summer camps, we have partnered with them to offer an opportunity for SHCA members to win one of four week-long, half-day bike camps – each worth over $250. Pedalheads offers a variety of bike camps for kids from ages 2 to 12.

Please note that you must be a resident of Signal Hill and a member of the Signal Hill Community Association to enter this contest. If you are not already a member, online sign-up is easy through our website at You can then support your community and all the activities of the SCHA, as well as enter this exciting contest.

To enter: Go to under “Win a Pedalheads Bike Camp” and click on the Entry Form link to provide your …

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • SHCA membership expiry date

Draw will take place on April 11, and winners notified and announced in upcoming SHCA communications. Thank you for supporting your community, and good luck!

Community Clean-Up Day – April 30

The Signal Hill, Springbank Hill, and Discovery Ridge Community Associations have teamed up to host a Community Cleanup Event in 2022. Details as follows.

Event Date: Saturday, April 30, 2022

Time: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Location: Westside King’s Church parking lot (SE corner of Springbank Blvd and 69th St SW)

The City will provide trucks to collect: recycling, organics/compost, and garbage.

Other recycling vendors may include metal, electronics, bicycles, tires.

The Cerebral Palsy Association will be there collecting quality used items including clothing, accessories, shoes, books, reusable household items (toys, games, dishes, toasters, blenders, etc.), etc.

Skip-the-Depot will be there collecting refundable beverage containers for The Love for Lewiston Foundation, so bring your empty bottles!

Unfortunately, we cannot accept chemicals, contaminated materials, or hazardous items.

We need 30 volunteers (10 from each community) to work one two-hour shift each. Please send an email to [email protected] if interested in helping out.

Volunteers will: direct traffic, help people unload their items, support City workers and vendors, answer questions, promote community memberships, etc.

Please note that participants will be required to follow all active provincial and local public health measures during Community Clean-up events. For more information, visit and

Thank you to the City of Calgary Community Standards and Waste & Recycling for their contributions. As well, thank you to the many volunteers in these communities who make events like this possible. Stay tuned to our social media and website for details on confirmed recycling vendors.

Response to Gathering Place Project Survey

I would like to thank everyone who submitted comments or completed our survey regarding the Gathering Place Project Concept Plan in last month’s edition. We appreciate your feedback and are factoring these into our planning process as we update and finalize our project design for the Signal Hill community property and will keep you informed of progress and plans through our website (, this publication, and our e-newsletter for members.

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association

[email protected]