SBCA Snippets for February


The Somerset Bridlewood Community Association continues to provide events and programs to engage and connect our communities. SBCA members can take part in activities offered by the community association for free with their membership. During the month of January, we hosted a highly informative “Be Scam Smart” presentation from the Canadian Revenue Agency, and we held our first-ever Crafter’s Circle, a fun event to meet new people and work on projects such as knitting, crocheting, and needlecraft. The Somerset Bridlewood Community Garden also hosted a webinar about growing herbs indoors, a topic of interest to many during the cold winter months! Watch our Facebook page (mysbcacalgary) and website ( to keep on top of all the events we put on throughout the year!

Have you renewed your SBCA membership yet? Or are you interested in purchasing one for the first time? A SBCA membership gives you free admission to all our events and activities throughout the year, and you also have access to several membership perks offered by local businesses as well as the opportunity to participate in our community garden. Check out our Membership and Benefits tab on our website for all the details and renew early to take full advantage of your membership! If you have any questions, please contact Sheryl at [email protected].

If you’re a business owner in Somerset or Bridlewood and you would like to participate in our membership incentives program by offering promotions to our SBCA members, please contact us at [email protected]. In exchange for the incentives for our members, we will promote your business on our social media channels and on our website, free of charge. It’s a win-win for everyone. Look under the Memberships-Benefits tab on our website to see which businesses are currently offering incentives. We encourage you to be a part of what we’re building in our communities!

If you want the convenience of not having to travel to the bottle depot, consider downloading the Skip the Depot app and donating the funds to the SBCA. Look for our organization in the donation list and Skip the Depot will pick up your bottles from you for free. We thank you in advance for your generosity! Funds generated through use of the Skip the Depot app will go towards expansion of our community garden.

The Good Food Box program continues to be offered by the Somerset Depot. If you’re interested in purchasing an affordable box of fresh produce every month, contact [email protected] for more details.

Finally, save the date for another educational, timely, and informative presentation by the Canadian Revenue Agency. The webinar “Income Tax Basic Concepts and Benefits for Newcomers to Canada” will be presented online on March 7 from 10:00 am to noon. Everyone is welcome, and it is free of charge. Please email [email protected] to obtain the link to attend.

Click here to the Bridlewood Community News home page for the latest Bridlewood community updates.

Click here to the Somerset Community News home page for the latest Somerset community updates.