Somerset Bridlewood Community Garden January Update


The Somerset Bridlewood Community Garden is planning an expansion, and we need your help! We’re running a fundraising campaign in conjunction with West Coast Seeds, a well-known Canadian seed company that many Calgarians may already be familiar with. You’re going to buy seeds for your garden this year anyway, so why not help the community garden in your neighbourhood so that we can give more gardeners the opportunity to grow with us? The fundraiser will run from January 7 to 21, so don’t delay in getting your orders to us! Reach out to [email protected] for more details and watch our Facebook page ( for more information. We thank you in advance for supporting our endeavours!

As many of you already know, the Somerset Bridlewood Community Garden has a long waiting list this year, which makes the expansion project even more important and urgent. I will be working through the garden bed renewals during the month of January and into February and I should be able to offer any available beds to new gardeners sometime before March. If you are interested in renting a garden bed this year, don’t be discouraged by the size of the waiting list – please email me at [email protected] to let me know that you’d like to be added! Check out our website ( for more information about the garden and keep on top of our Facebook page ( for updates.

Watch the Somerset Bridlewood Community Garden’s Facebook page and the SBCA website for details about upcoming indoor gardening online presentations you can enjoy while sipping on hot chocolate in the warmth and comfort of your own home. One of our topics that is sure to please is indoor herb gardening. We’ll post soon about dates and times!

‘Til next time!


Click here to the Bridlewood Community News home page for the latest Bridlewood community updates.

Click here to the Somerset Community News home page for the latest Somerset community updates.