Southwood’s January Message from the President


Welcome to 2021, Southwood! Boy, am I happy to shut the back door on 2020, and open the front door for 2021! I think 2020 is a year that we can all agree impacted each and every one of us, in one way or another, and I truly hope that you are all doing well and were able to enjoy the holiday season.

I don’t have much to report on this month as December was a quiet month due to the new restrictions put in place by the Province at the end of November. Again, I hope you are all safe and healthy.

As we are looking into a new year, here are some great events that we hope will be able to take place this year:

  • Community Clean Up – Date TBD by the City of Calgary. We are hoping to hold this in the spring at the Community Hall. Stay tuned to social media and future newsletters for information on how you can help, and to know what other organizations will be there taking goods and donations.
  • Rhubarb Fest – We are hoping to host this on June 5. If you are interested in helping out at this great annual event, please email Christine at [email protected].
  • Mural and Community Garden 10th Anniversary – This summer, Melanie Dick will be painting a mural on the south wall of the community hall. An event will take place to unveil the mural and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Southwood Community Garden. Please contact Christine for more information on these events, and to ask how you can help out at [email protected].
  • Casino – We are waiting to hear when we will be working our casino. Please stay tuned to the newsletters and your emails once we know the date. We are always looking for volunteers to help out with this (It’s a fun time, I promise!)

Happy New Year Southwood!!
