Southwood’s July President’s Message

Southwood pm

Hello Southwood!

Summer is here, school is out (!!), and things are starting to open up. For July and August, the Board of Directors will not be meeting; however, if there are any issues that need to be handled, please contact me and we will discuss the matters via email.

I am writing this letter at the beginning of June and it is tough to say how things are shaping up as we are experiencing daily shifts on COVID-19. What I know I can say is “way to go everyone! Because of your dedication, we have seen the numbers in the last several weeks drop and because of these drops we are able to get back to what was normal.”

I would like to give a shout out to a Southwood resident, Laura Gordon, for organizing our Community Clean-Up at the end of May. With her guidance, a number of residents set out into the community and cleaned up a lot of garbage in many of the public spaces throughout Southwood. It is because of dedication made by these folks that makes Southwood a beautiful place to live!

As I have mentioned in previous newsletters, our Annual General Meeting is delayed due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Once we have received the go-ahead from the Province and the community hall is fully operational, we will go forward with booking this meeting. As per our bylaws, we are required to provide 21 days’ notice prior to the meeting, and the AGM is open to all community members; however, you must have a current 2020 CA Membership to vote for the board members.

I wish you all an amazing summer and I hope we are able to gather with those we love.

