Southwood’s President’s Message for April


Happy Spring Everyone!

What a month it has been! With restrictions being removed, to the change of the season, April is always a nice month to reflect on the winter and dream of the green grass and warmer temperatures.

I would like to officially announce that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place on Thursday, January 16 beginning at 7:00 pm. At this meeting, we will be approving the minutes from the 2021 AGM, as well as look at the current financials and vote in board members for their one-year term. We are always looking for eager community members to join the board. If you are interested in the following positions, please email me directly to learn more!

  • Vice President
  • Director of Development and Traffic
  • Communications Manager (with the potential to become a board position)
  • Director at Large

The CA would like to welcome Opus as the new property owners of the old Texaco site on the corner of Elbow Drive and Southland Drive and the property with the building directly to the north. The Board has had the pleasure to sit down and talk about the future of these two sites, and we are excited with the plans that are in place. Opus has applied for a land use redesignation (rezoning) application for the property with the building on it to the north of the vacant site. You may remember in 2018 the previous owners had rezoned the corner lot to C-COR3 and the goal here is to have the neighbouring property match that. Opus plans to marry the two lots and will be looking to build a 6-storey building that will step down to 4-storeys closer to the houses on the north side. This is a great opportunity for Southwood and this development will be the first major one that I have experienced during my tenure here. Please stay-tuned on our social media as Opus does plan to bring the community in to discuss the design of the building in the development permit stage (this is an amazing opportunity!!)

Our casino is taking place on April 7 and 8, and we need your help!! Please consider volunteering for an 8-hour position. As mentioned previously, these casinos provide us with upwards of $70,000 in grant funding that help keep the lights on at the hall and run programs for community members. During your shift, all your meals and drinks are complimentary, so come with empty bellies and fill up on some tasty food!

If you haven’t had the chance yet, please register your household for their free CA membership. You can sign up today at:

Our next board meeting will be on Thursday, April 28 starting at 7:00 pm. It will be taking place in person as well as virtually. At our board meetings, we will be going over what we have accomplished over the month and what our plans are for the upcoming month.

As always, please reach out with any questions.

All the best,
