Southwood’s President’s Message for October


Happy Fall Everyone!

Our first full month of fall is around us and I’m quite happy to have the cooler temperatures after the hot summer we had! I don’t know about you, but September is always a hectic month in my household! The return to school, activities, and regular scheduling makes me think back to our lazy summer days where we didn’t have plans. Moving into October, I’m happy that we have settled into a routine!

Not much has been going on in the community this past month. With programming starting back up at the Hall, we were happy to welcome back some renters we hadn’t seen in quite some time. With the pandemic still around us, our regulations will match those that are established by the City of Calgary as well as the province. The restrictions and regulations are ever changing, and we are working diligently to make sure that we keep our renters and users safe during this time.

We typically hold the Halloween Howler each year on Halloween. At the time of writing this newsletter, we will be discussing whether we will be holding this event during our September board meeting. Please stay tuned to Facebook, NextDoor, and other advertising on whether we will be going forward with it this year.

As we look to introduce more programming over the coming year, what is something that you would like to see take place? If there is an event that you have been wishing the CA would host so you could meet more neighbours? Please email me at [email protected] with any suggestions, and we will see what we can do.

A friendly reminder that Monday, October 18 is the municipal election here in Calgary. Many changes will be coming to our council this term, and this is your opportunity to shape our city by going out and casting your vote. Southwood is in Ward 11, and we will be welcoming a new Councillor. To learn more about the election and who the candidates are, please visit:

Our October board meeting will be taking place on Thursday, October 28. It will be held at the Community Hall in the Chateau Room and will start at 7:00 pm. We will also have a virtual option for those who are not comfortable meeting in public. You can join us through Zoom – ID: 288 454 5027; Passcode: CA.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
