Caring for Springbank Hill Wildlife


by Shelly Smith

Much to my surprise, a beautiful fawn was napping on our front steps. I couldn’t see the mother anywhere and was worried about the fawn being abandoned.

I called 311 and couldn’t get through, so my husband called Alberta Wildlife (403-297-6423). The agent who spoke to my husband was very helpful. She said that mothers often hide their little ones in areas where they feel the baby will be safe while going off to forage for nourishment for a few hours, coming back to collect the babies after they are done. The agent mentioned that we should not touch the animal or try to go near them.

The agent was 100% correct in her assessment. Mama came back to collect not one, but two fawns from our yard. A picture of them is on the front cover of this newsletter. It is nice to think that Mama thought her babies would be safe in our yard while she was busy.

If you see wildlife that you might think are abandoned or in distress, call 403-297-6423.

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