Springbank Hill 2023 Farmers Market


by Shelly Smith

We are very excited to let you know that FreshPal Farms, from Olds Alberta, will host a farmers market stand on Springbank Hill this summer and fall! Here are the details:

• Dates: Every Saturday (starting June 3, 2023)

• Time: 4:00 to 7:00 pm

• Location: Valleyview Church entrance (7655 26 Ave SW, Calgary AB T3H 3X2 )

FreshPal Farms currently has 7 greenhouses and is building 6 more this summer. The greenhouses have dynamic insulation, which store heat. Solar power, not solar panels, are used, which include a rolling blanket put over the greenhouses at night to trap the heat. Also, the plants are grown in soil, not hydroponics, which provides the vegetables and fruit with nutrients from the soil.

The product you buy is guaranteed to be picked ripe!

We look forward to seeing you at the FreshPal Farms farmers market stand on Saturdays!

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