Springbank Hill President’s Message



The community association completed our fiscal year-end on August 31, and we are currently busy completing our annual financial statements, which will be shared with our members following validation by our auditors. So, it’s a busy time of year as we also need to complete our annual budget and capital expenditure plan prior to our AGM in October.

We do encourage all members to attend our AGM so that we can share this information with you and receive your feedback. Comments from our community are desired so that we can confirm that the community association is meeting the needs of our residents.

I want to take this opportunity to once again remind members to renew their annual memberships. With a cost of only $25 per family, this is a nominal amount but greatly appreciated by the community association as it helps us cover our operating expenses. As a non-profit, we do keep our overhead costs to an absolute minimum so that the majority of our revenues can be used to cover the costs of our events and programs. We welcome new members as well; simply go to our website to purchase your membership.

As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, we recently revised our residential memberships to a rolling 12-month process so that new members can purchase a full year at any time. This will mean that membership renewals will be scattered throughout the year, however, as most of our existing members have an August 31 expiry date, you should have received a renewal notice already.

As always, we welcome feedback from our community members, and we encourage you to consider volunteering so that we can expand our offerings withing in our community.

Stay safe, keep active, and enjoy all that our community offers you!

Elio Cozzi

President – Springbank Hill Community Association

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