Springbank Hill’s President’s Message for October


by Elio Cozzi, President, Springbank Hill Community Association

Hello to all community members. As I sit here writing this update, we are approaching the autumn season and leaving summer behind. We continue to deal with the necessary changes to processes in our daily lives due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic crisis. I do hope that all of you have been able to stay safe and healthy as we find ways to deal with the limitations created by this pandemic, and that those of you with children have been able to navigate the additional challenges of sending your kids back to school last month.

Our community association board of directors has been busy over the past few months. Our financial year-end occurred on August 31, and we have since completed our year-end financial statements and prepared a budget for the new fiscal year. We will be presenting these along with our goals for the new year at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on October 28. A decision was made to hold our AGM virtually using Zoom video conferencing. Please look for details including a meeting link on our Facebook page in the coming weeks. I want to remind everyone that all community residents are invited to attend our meeting, however you must be a member of our community association in order to vote at the meeting. It’s not too late to purchase a membership. Cost is only $25 per household and your purchase goes a long way in helping support the operating expenses of our volunteer non-profit organization. Visit the membership page on our website to purchase a membership.

As you know, we cancelled several events over the last 6 months due to the pandemic. However, we do expect to be able to operate our two outdoor ice rinks this coming winter season. And we continue to work on plans to develop and open the new community gardens next year, at our community park located along 26th Avenue. We have had great success in growing our board with several new members joining recently. This will allow us to take on more initiatives, while spreading the workload more equitably across our team. We have room for more volunteers; if you are interested in learning more, simply contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to provide more information on available opportunities.

On a final note, we love to hear from community residents. Feel free to let us know what initiatives and events you would like to see in the coming year or two and we will pass your comments along to the board.

Stay safe and healthy and enjoy the autumn season!