Springbank Hill’s September President’s Message


As we approach the end of the summer season, we can look back at the unique situation we have all faced this year. Dealing with the pandemic has created a significant change in the way we run our lives with lots of challenges and compromises. We hope that you and your family have stayed safe and that you have been able to make the best of these times and even enjoyed a ‘staycation’ in our province this summer.

The COVID-19 pandemic has limited our ability to run events and programs, but we continue to look for ways to do things safely in our community. Stay tuned on our Facebook page for a proposed outdoor event at our community park in the month of September. Also, we have announced the date for our 2020 Annual General Meeting – October 28 at 7:00 pm. Location to be confirmed but at this point, we are assuming that this meeting will occur online.

It’s not too late to purchase or renew your annual SBHCA membership. The new membership year started on September 1, and memberships can be purchased or renewed online using the link on our webpage. Membership is only $25 per household and we really appreciate your purchases, as it allows us to fund our small operating budget and keep our non-profit organization afloat during these challenging times.

We also continue to seek new volunteers to help us achieve our goals and objectives. We have several positions available. If you are interested in learning more, please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you with more details.

As I write this note in August, I am assuming that the school year will go ahead in early September and hopefully parents will find a way to stay safe while allowing our children to return to their school and resume learning in the classroom environment. We also keep our fingers crossed that the pandemic will remain under control and that we will soon see the introduction of a vaccine, which will help us return to a more normal life.

Stay safe and thanks again for supporting our community association!

Elio Cozzi

President, Springbank Hill Community Association