SCA’s President’s Message for December


Looks like we are going to have a white Christmas! I think if it is going to be cold, a little snow makes everything prettier, cleaner – Christmas lights shine brighter when they bounce off a canvas of white!

The SCA is busy planning events for 2023. We are happy to start bringing some back, cautiously. We have learned our lesson and know everything can change in a blink – but we are optimistic that the SCA will be able to host more events in 2023. I hope you had a chance to visit the SCA’s Christmas Craft Fair on December 3 – I always find a few original gifts and stocking stuffers. On December 15, in partnership with Amica Aspen Woods, we are offering a Christmas Light Tour for seniors – space is limited so make sure you contact the SCA Office to secure your seat!

We are always in need of rink volunteers, contact the SCA Office and you will be added to an email list that is distributed when help is needed – no pressure, show up if able. I am always very grateful for our dedicated group of rink volunteers; in all weather conditions they make sure the SCA’s ice surfaces are ready for resident enjoyment. On Christmas Day from 12:00 to 3:00 pm, I will again host a Christmas Day Skate. Pop your turkey in the oven and then head down to the SCA to enjoy an afternoon of skating, hot chocolate, and treats! I look forward to this event every year, seeing familiar faces and meeting new people.

Every year we try and support Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society with a toy drive. This year, they need our support more than ever. The past few years have been an aggravating factor in the frequency of domestic violence and the SCA wants to help families that need support. There are a couple ways you can help: Adopt a Family and the Gift of Hope campaign. Contact the office for more information.

All donations can be dropped off at the SCA Office, just pop them in the mail slot in the office door if it is after hours. Clearly mark your contact information on the envelope and that it is for Discovery House.

If you notice that the city sidewalks bordering the SCA, Strathcona Drive and Strathcona Road, are not being cleared in a timely manner, please call 311 and tell them, the more calls they receive, the further up the priority list those sidewalks travel. The SCA is only responsible for (and can only afford) clearing access points into the building and plowing the parking lot when there is a significant accumulation of snow.

I always look forward to the holiday season, I like that we make that extra effort to spend more time with friends and family, exchange cookies, take long walks in our winter wonderland, and enjoy a few days outside of our normal routines. I wish you all the best the holidays have to offer, stay warm and stay safe. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Maureen Smith

SCA President