SCA’s President’s Message for January


A new year, blank slate, fresh page. 2022 felt like it was going to be a reset year but at the end of the year it felt much like previous years. Hospitals full and short staffed, schools closing, and talk of reinstating the mask mandate. A sadness permeated Christmas – so many sick children.

I have high hopes for 2023 even though I think it will be another tough year of fighting viruses and rising grocery prices. An eye on the war in the Ukraine and how Europe will manage their energy crisis. It won’t be an easy year, but we are made of hardy stock, us Calgarians, and I think if we stick together and help one another we will not just survive but thrive in 2023.

At the SCA on January 26, 2023, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, the SCA and CCIS (Calgary Catholic Immigration Society) are collaborating to present workshops, and we need your help on what our community would benefit from. Come be part of the process and meet your community and learn about some new programs and services CCIS offers. Engage in informal conversation and networking. Enjoy some refreshments and participate in a draw for door prizes. Everyone is welcome! This is the first step in bringing CCIS resources to our community. Please watch for further details coming soon on the website and other community posts.

The SCA website ( is full of winter programming for all ages; don’t let the cold keep you from enjoying an activity and meeting new people!

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with maintaining our ice surfaces during the winter. If you have a few hours to spare to help our dedicated group of rink volunteers, please send your contact information to [email protected].

The communities of Strathcona, Christie, and Aspen are looking for volunteer administrators for the Neighbourhood Watch Program. An overview of responsibilities include:

  • Liaison with District 2 Community Resource Officer to monitor CPS resources available, and voice any current crime/safety concerns.
  • Communicate monthly crime statistics to neighbours via email and Facebook page.
  • Monitor email and Facebook page for crime reports/concerns from neighbours.

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in finding out more about this position.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Panago for generously supplying pizza for volunteer events; Panago is always at the ready to support the SCA. Also, a shoutout to Amica for partnering with the SCA in hosting a Seniors’ Dance in December – the music was great, the snacks delicious, and a good turnout on the dance floor!

I am going to approach the new year with optimism; it might be a bit of an uphill walk, but I am ready for the challenge. I hope the new year is kind to you, your family, and friends!

Best wishes,

Maureen Smith – SCA President

P.S. – Whoever took the SCA’s green bin, please return it!