Woodcreek’s September Message from the President


For a person who loves summer like I do, it’s sad but it’s true—summer is over, and we now head into the fall. The leaves change colour, the kids head back to school, and it’s time to settle down into new ‘old routines.’ The Woodcreek Community Centre is no different—time for us to also begin a new year. As with past years, we are kicking off September with our month-long community membership drive. Volunteers will be canvassing the neighborhood, knocking on doors, informing people about WCA and selling memberships. Unfortunately, we cannot knock on all doors as we do not have enough canvassers. I ask anyone interested in getting involved to contact the WCA office. There is also no need to wait for a door-knock to purchase your 2018-2019 membership—you can purchase online, though the WCA office, or via several of our local businesses. Your membership not only helps to fund many of the WCA activities, but it also ensures you have a vote in selecting the board of directors and the executive. Best yet, through email, your membership ensures you stay informed about the goings-on in and around your community.

Looking forward in the month: on Friday, September 14 from 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. and beginning again the next morning from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. the Trees of Love Tribute will be taking place. During this tribute, which takes place near the start of the kids’ hockey season, hundreds of ribbons will be tied around trees throughout the community as a reminder and memorial for the Humboldt accident that took place on April 6. Also, on September 15 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. we will be holding our annual fall Community Clean Up. In addition to the junk removal, metal, electronics, paint, batteries and yard-waste, we will also have a large paper shredding service on site. This event is free with a community membership, which is another reason to renew yours. The following day, on September 16 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. the SOGO Adventure Running children’s event is taking place. This event was originally scheduled for last June at the Family Fun Day but had to be rescheduled due to poor weather. We are hoping for a good day this go around. Please see your Chronical for additional information. Near the end of the month, on September 22, is the annual Oktoberfest. The event goes from 8:00 p.m. – midnight and is usually a sell-out, so contact the WCA office early for your tickets. No tickets will be available at the door.

The WCA board members may have taken the summer months off, but we have started September running. We look forward to seeing everyone at these events and, as always, I encourage anyone with an idea for an event or activity to bring it forth. The Humboldt tribute is a result of an idea brought forth by one of our residents. Working with the WCA board it was refined and turned into the September event. Many things are possible, but everything starts with an idea. I would like to hear yours!


Scott A. Eden