Elboya School – September

Categories Schools

Elboya School is Fundraising for a New Playground

The playground at Elboya School is in desperate need of replacement. We are currently in the process of fundraising and need your help!

Our goal is to build our new playground in the summer of 2019. To achieve this, we need to raise a minimum of $365,000 but our aspiration is to raise $500,000 so we can build something truly out of the ordinary. We have a committed team of parent volunteers who are working hard at applying for grants and organizing events to bring in the most money possible.

We have partnered with the Calgary Parks Foundation to administer the fundraising component of this project, and in doing so, you are able to receive a tax receipt for your donation. Every single dollar of your donation will go 100% towards our school grounds.

No donation is too small. We are offering donor recognition at various donation levels to thank you for your generosity and community spirit.

For more information on the project and/or recognition levels, please email: [email protected]

To make an online donation, please go to http://www.parksfdn.com/school-projects and make sure to choose ‘Elboya School Playground’ from the *Fund drop down menu.

Thank you!


Elboya School Playground Committee