February with the Nitanisak District Guides


229 Brownies

The 229th Brownie Unit started off the year with a Learn to Tent sleepover. During this fun-filled evening, the Brownies made camp hat crafts, an edible campfire, ventured through a Nite Teck obstacle course, sang campfire songs and learned how to roll a bedroll and set up a tent. The Brownies have also been engaging in activities to work towards the Experiment and Create Program Area badges. They participated in a variety of experiments including making elephant toothpaste and their own lemonade. They also explored coding languages and creating videos using Green Screening and Stop Motion Animation. Leading up to the holiday season, the Brownies created cards and collected donations to help spread cheer at a local senior’s residence.

In the coming months, we are looking forward to sleeping over at the Tyrell Museum, a family skating party at Bowness Park, carrying out random acts of kindness within our communities, exploring mindfulness activities and ending off our year with our Spring camp.

233rd Rangers

The 233rd Rangers started off this year with a tent camp with the 110th Guides in Cochrane. The camp was cut short by the heavy snowfall we had in September, but we had some fun getting to know each other. Next, we volunteered for Calgary Area’s Nite Trek and we worked hard and were up until 4 am running a station for this Pathfinder event. We have been working hard on a Traffic Safety presentation on pedestrian safety and will be visiting all the units in our District to give the presentation. We have made gingerbread house with the seniors at the Revera Edgemont, challenged an escape room with the 90th Pathfinders and learned about the Women of Valour. At the end of January, we are camping in Cochrane again, but indoors this time, for some well-deserved down time after our high school exams. We still have adventures to plan for 2020 but the greatest adventure will be our travels to England and Scotland next year. All of us are participants in International Travel with Girl Guides to camps and a World Centre.

Rangers is for girls in Grade 10 to 12, where we develop our leadership skills and volunteer beyond our unit.