Hawkwood’s Updated Board of Directors



Acting President: Michele del Valle

Vice-President: Pia Elborno

Secretary: Donna Chapman

Treasurer: Laura Dytnerski


Newsletter Editor: Danielle Kiss

Planning and Development: Justin Becker

Soccer: Tricia Molchulski

Community Garden: Anne Harding

Facilities: Jerry Christensen

Membership: Kawal Mahendru

Social: Vacant

Transportation: Vacant

Webmasters: Jodie and Erick Cardoza

School Liaison – Hawkwood: Shannon Erno

School Liaison – St. Maria: Goretti Vacant

Casino:  Lori Jaffray

Playground and Tot Lot: Vacant

Volunteer/Fundraising: Vacant

Director at Large: Isaac Antepli

Director at Large: Joanne Manser

Programs Coordinator: Heather Kovach

LEAF: Mark Koebl

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