Age 5 is a “big” age as these kids are getting ready for school! Now we have to focus on getting ready for Kindergarten and learning new skills.
Social emotional milestones at age 5 are:
- most concerned about family but are reaching out and making friends
- they are starting to learn about rules and behaviours outside of the home; they like rules as rules provide order
- becoming more independent and in control of their behaviour
- they better understand logic which leads to less tantrums and arguments
- sharing is better and they are starting to develop empathy
- they play mostly with the same gender, but are noticing more differences between genders
- may become clingy, bossy or show mixed emotions when tired
- can state family values and know that families have different values
- understanding the world around them better
Working with your child to reach these milestones is critical to a great start to school. Don’t worry if your child reaches these milestones after his/her peers. Children develop differently; a guideline is that you should see these milestones be reached before they are 6 years old.