Nitanisak District Guiding – December 2017

Girl Guides

Our district covers nine communities and we have units for all ages – Sparks (5-6), Brownies (7-8), Guides (9-12), Pathfinders (12-15) and Rangers (15-17). You can register online at

Here’s some of what we were up to in October and November:

The 145th and 165th Sparks have had a fun start to our Guiding year. We have 31 girls registered with 7 wonderful and enthusiastic leaders looking forward to our fun Spark year! The girls have been busy working on their “Being A Spark” keeper with the second-year girls helping the first-year girls learn the Spark Promise and practice the Spark opening and closing songs. 20 girls were enrolled at our special enrollment ceremony where they recited the Spark promise in front of their family and friends. The girls worked on their “Cookie Rising” keeper and had great success selling mint cookies to their friends, family and to customers at Edgemont Superstore. We have many fun meetings planned for the rest of 2017 and even have a special guest coming in at Christmas time—HO HO HO!

We are the 60th Rangers, girls in grades 10-12. We have known each other for many years through Girl Guides, and have become friends outside of Guiding. We enjoy movie meetings, being outside and helping others. Last year we experienced days outside during our fall camp, winter snow day and at our spring Tree Tops camp. We attend events in and around Calgary, especially ones which are free (e.g. first Thursdays at the Glenbow Museum) or inexpensive (e.g. supporting each other in our school plays).

One of our main challenges to complete during the Ranger program is service. This year we look forward to supporting other Girl Guide events in our area such as: helping with Nite Trek—where teams of Pathfinders follow a trail and earn points successfully completing our stations (which may take all night!); teaching the Brownies campfire songs and skits; and providing service to our schools and communities.