November at Queen Elizabeth High School

YYC Communities

Queen E students are snuggled in to their classes as the colder weather sets in. November brings the culmination of a few athletic seasons. Congratulations to our Senior Girls Soccer team and our Cross-Country competitors. Thank you for representing Queen E so well. A big thank you to all the staff coaches, league officials and competition organizers for their dedicated work with our students. Did you know that Queen Elizabeth has 8 volleyball teams? November brings volleyball playoffs and we are busy! Our students would love some extra cheerleaders!

We have also some field trips in the past few months with a highly successful Grade 9 Outdoor Education classes camping at Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park in September. In October, Science 9B class went to Weaselhead in support of the Biodiversity Unit. Coming up, on November 21, the Queen Elizabeth Debate Team and our fantastic student and staff volunteers will be hosting a city-wide debate tournament.

This month, Parent-Teacher Interviews will occur on Thursday November 16 and November 17. Please visit the school website for more information regarding interview times.

On November 24, Band Director Ms. Shannon Fehr, and her band students will be hosting a Winter Gala. Please join us for a night of big band music, dancing and desserts. Please see the school website and the Band webpage for more information.

It’s never too soon to announce our Open House here at Queen E. Come by and see what your community school is offering and meet the staff! Our Open House will be held on December 11. Please visit the school website for more information closer to the date.

Did you know Queen Elizabeth High School is collecting donations for the Cinderella Project?

The Cinderella Gown Project provides the opportunity for young grade 12 women in our school to be treated to a Cinderella experience of choosing a beautiful gown and accessories for their graduation ceremony. This project started within the Calgary Board of Education many years ago. The Cinderella Project was created to allow students in financial need to be able to experience their graduation banquet with style and dignity where they would be otherwise unable to do so.

If you would like to donate dresses, shoes, jewellery, and so on you are most welcome to. Please drop off items to the front office at Queen Elizabeth High School.