November at St. Teresa of Calcutta School

YYC Communities

We are well into the season of Fall and the year is flying by. September seems like yesterday when we welcomed back our returning families as well as new families that have become part of our St. Teresa of Calcutta French Immersion community. Already there have been some great things happening. We began the year introducing our District Faith theme; ‘Ask and it will be given you’ -Matthew 7:7, which focuses on prayer. This year staff and students are encouraged to deepen their relationship with God through prayer. Students and staff were welcomed back with a wonderful Welcome Back BBQ hosted by our school council. Later in September, students donated loose change during the week leading up to our annual Terry Fox Walk and raised close to $700 to support cancer research for the Terry Fox Foundation.

In October in the spirit of Thanksgiving, students joined in our annual Stone Soup event. This old folktale is shared with students and reminds us that when everyone contributes just a little, a great good is achieved. Each student brought in an item for the soup and parents volunteers prepared and served the soup to all our students. Special thanks to all our students and parent volunteers for making this, once again, a memorable event.

Upcoming events an Earth Ranger Presentation with a focus on conservation, Remembrance Day Liturgy and a collection to support our veterans and Kananaskis In the Classroom where students will enjoy an entertaining presentation describing the unique adaptions between sheep and goats.

As we progress through the year we are reminded of all that we can be together as a community of French language learners. At St. Teresa of Calcutta, we are blessed with wonderfully supportive parents/guardians as well as a truly dedicated staff all working together to make the best possible educational experience for our children.