October News from St. Teresa of Calcutta School

Categories Schools

Welcome back to all our staff, students and families of St. Teresa of Calcutta School. We hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable summer building memories with friends and family. Welcome also to our new families that have become part of our French Immersion school community. Already there have been some great things happening. We began the year introducing the second part of our three-year District Faith theme; ‘search and you will find,’-Matthew 7:7. We will continue to focus on prayer as a staff and a school community, exploring how we can deepen our faith through prayer, discovering the ways in which God is present and at work in our lives. We look forward to working with Sr. Madeleine from the FCJ centre later this year as part of our faith formation. She will be presenting to our students and staff.

Our Champions initiative for every student, to have one significant adult at school that can act as an advocate, continues to grow. Research shows that children do well in life when they have a meaningful relationship with at least one adult- a champion, that is able to provide them with guidance and support.

Students and staff were welcomed back with a wonderful Welcome Back BBQ hosted by our school council. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect and to form new relationships with members of our school community. Other September events include our annual Book Fair, a volunteer orientation for our parent community, Parent/Teacher conferences, our school opening mass and our first special lunch of the year.

As we progress through the year we are reminded of all that we can be together as a community of French language learners. At St. Teresa of Calcutta, we are blessed with wonderfully supportive parents/guardians as well as a truly dedicated staff all working together to make the best possible educational experience for our children.

For more information about St. Teresa of Calcutta School and our French Immersion program, please visit our website at https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/motherteresa.