Queen Elizabeth School News – October

Categories Schools

by Hamish MacAulay

With over 300 students this year, our Queen Elizabeth School is proud to be a hub for the young families of the West Hillhurst community. For the most recent information on school happenings, check out qee.blogability.ca.

September 4th was the first day of school with our new start time of 8:35. Volunteers welcomed new and returning families with coffee and treats. Queen Elizabeth Elementary continues to grow, becoming a busier place especially at the start and end of the school day. Help make everyone safer during these busy times with a little patience, respect and care when walking or driving along 18th street.

What a Fantastic September

Outdoor school, Sept 24-27, was another elementary school highlight for our grade 5/6 students. Having the trip in the fall will ensure it is part of school conversations for the rest of the year and memories for years.

Queen Elizabeth School is also proud to have been a part of the 8th Annual Walk for Thomas on September 23rd. The Walk raises funds and awareness for Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation and in particular the Thomas Mueller Phage Display Project. If you could not make the Walk and would like more information or to make a donation, please go to peloton65.com.

Parking and Drop Off Dos and Don’ts

No matter the temptation, do not use the high school or elementary parking lots for pick up and drop off. There might be empty spaces, but support staff begin their day at 8:30 or later and must wait for parents to leave if the spots are filled. High school staff also struggle to find parking when parents take reserved spaces. There are plenty of street spaces if you simply drop off a few minutes earlier or pick up a few minutes later.

Important Dates for October and November

October 8: Thanksgiving holiday

October 26: Non-instructional day

October 22: School Council meeting

November 2: Non-instructional day

November 23: Non-instructional day

November 26: School Council meeting

Check qee.blogability.ca for event news and key dates in October and Happy Halloween!

Queen Elizabeth (QE) School is the designated elementary school for the community of West Hillhurst. QE School is a thriving inner city, community school that offers a number of in-house residencies and field trips for students over the school year to enhance the CBE curriculum. These activities are made possible by active parent participation, casino fundraising and school council members.