Richmond School March Update

Categories Schools

Richmond School went to the circus in February! Indigo Circus performed for us with an amazing show including balancing acts, juggling and staff spinning. With a strong message of resilience, co-operation and believing in yourself, Indigo Circus really showed us how to be “flexible” in many different ways. Thank to you Parent Council for your support of a show we won’t soon forget.

We were also proud to participate in Pink Shirt Day on February 26 to promote anti-bullying. It’s about creating a Richmond community where all students feel safe, valued and respected, regardless of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, or cultural background.

Did you know that the now worldwide Pink Shirt Day movement was started in Nova Scotia by two high school students to support a student that was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt? Each February we revisit the different ways we show kindness toward one another and the courage to stand up to others that may not be making good choices.

March will see another round of student led conferences, which are a wonderful opportunity for our students to bring their parents into the classroom and engage them in their learning. Congratulations to all students for the progress you’ve made so far. We’re also looking forward to jumping in the water for swimming lessons at Killarney Pool.

We’d like to give a special shout out to our School Patrollers that help to provide a safe crossing on 26th Avenue. Thank you for your help and attention. You help to make our community and school safer!

And another thank you – to COBS Bread in Garrison Woods for helping to support Richmond School. Load up your bread box or indulge in a box of pastries. You’ve earned it, and Richmond students will benefit as well: just say “Richmond School” (school code 2035) and five percent of your purchase at COBS will go directly to programs that enhance student learning.

Our door is always open, and we welcome the opportunity to work with you and your children.

Richmond School has Heart!