Shawnee-Evergreen’s March Board Report


We are creating a more neighbourly community. Little by little our work to connect residents is progressing and it is such rewarding work!

Community Campfires, which have moved from park to park, have been well received. Watch for upcoming dates and locations. On March 14th, we’ll be at the Tennis Courts park on Shawnee Drive (across from 771 Shawnee Dr SW).

Neighbour Nights are continuing. On March 26th we’ll be at the Coach and Horses Ale Room in Millrise.

For April 23rd we are looking for a different location. Where would you like to meet?

SECA Plays programs continue to receive extremely positive feedback! Most months we offer a Families in Nature program for 3- to 6-year-olds, an Adventure Play pop up for 3- to 10-year-olds, and an Outdoor Survival Series program of 9- to 12-year-olds. These are free for SECA members or purchase a $20 family Program Pass to participate as a non-resident. What are you waiting for? Check them out. Watch our Facebook page (@SECAplays) or email [email protected] for more info.

SECA Plays is working with a 3rd year practicum student from Mount Royal University. As part of her work to support SECA programming she is seeking families with younger children to interview about their community needs and perceptions. If you have 30 minutes to donate to this project, please contact [email protected]. Thank you!

Our annual Stampede Breakfast is returning on June 20th and will once again feature the Backroad Traveler Band, the City’s Mobile Adventure Playground and all the usual activities. Come for breakfast and enjoy the fun!

Graywood Developments’ applications to rezone and develop some of their land differently than originally approved are continuing through the City’s process. Please consult our website for updates or email SECA’s Director of Development directly via [email protected].

We are recruiting volunteer canvassers to help with Membership Month in May. As membership revenue funds our operations, this campaign is foundational to our organization’s success. Please contact us if you can spare some time in May to canvas 20 to 30 nearby homes. It’s a great way to meet your neighbours! This year we are offering an Orientation Session for canvassers to prep you for the task.

Volunteering with SECA is very rewarding! We have openings on the Board of Directors and on committees. Or, if you would prefer to volunteer for specific tasks, volunteers with some basic social media skills, newsletter editing, use of Mailchimp, or event volunteers would be warmly welcomed.

We can serve you best when we are connected! Receive our electronic newsletters by emailing [email protected] and like our Facebook page: @ShawneeEvergreenYYC. Please consider becoming a SECA member for just $20 at Our Board meetings are open though we appreciate knowing if you plan to attend so that we can manage our agenda.

The Board of Directors is always interested in your feedback! We are looking forward to meeting you at our events this year!

Lynn Jobe, [email protected]