Volunteering in the Arts


By Alex Bonyun

Want to be involved in the arts, but don’t know where to start? A great way to dip your toe in without spending money is to volunteer. It may seem like a daunting proposition if you’ve never volunteered before, but non-profit cultural organizations are always looking for helpful volunteers, whether it’s for ushering at a theatre performance, helping out at a festival booth, or lending a hand with administrative work at the office. The rewards of volunteering go beyond gaining access to tickets or other perks. It allows you to gain experience in a particular field or with a particular organization which can later lead to other opportunities such as serving as a Board Member for an organization that aligns with your values or joining committees in your community to boost the presence of arts in a particular discipline.

This year, Canada 150 is challenging everyone to lend a hand and give 150 hours of time volunteering before the end of 2017. The gift of your volunteer hours goes above and beyond the organization you benefit with your time. It can create a lasting impact throughout your community. You can register for the challenge and learn more at https://volunteer150for150.ca. It’s not too late to complete the challenge as many organizations start their seasons full force in the fall, and are always in need volunteers.

In our community approximately 50,000 Albertans volunteer for not-for-profit arts organizations every year, creating opportunities for community engagement, service, and belonging. Additionally, volunteers can help an organization build capacity, which can result in more economic stability and growth.

For a comprehensive list of all of Calgary’s non-profit organizations in need of volunteers, please visit http://public.propellus.org/NonProfitMemberList.aspx.