Winter Break Brings Winter Fun with the Prairie Winds 4-H Club


 Written by Caleb Donner – Prairie Winds 4-H Club Reporter

3, 2, 1! Hooray! These were probably your last words in the decade on New Year’s Eve, but this was not the case for the Prairie Winds 4-H Club. Instead, this was what they thought as they received their presents at the Secret Santa gift exchange at their last meeting in December. Following the meeting and gift exchange, members participated in a rustic sign workshop where they were able to choose a word or quote they wanted on their board and the colour of the text. Some even decided to paint their board while others added decorations such as lights and string to make it unique.

To kick off the new year, the Prairie Winds 4-H Club joined fellow 4-H clubs in the Calgary Region for a fun-filled weekend called Winter Bonanza. There were many clubs’ members and counsellors in attendance from the Calgary area. First, the campers went to their dorm rooms to meet their roommates and have a small orientation. After dinner, there were group games and cabin bonding time. The following morning, there were two sessions of the campers’ choice and the next two in the afternoon intermingled with quick breaks. The evening was a mixture of many emotions as some people were dreading or looking forward to a two-hour mandatory dance. Some could say it was the night of their lives. Sunday morning was a sad day for most people as it was time to say goodbye. Breakfast and a short game filled the last hours with their newfound friends before pick-up. In total, there were 55 campers, 12 counsellors and four camp moms.