Holiday Travel Tips

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Planning to ditch winter weather for sunny beaches? While booking a winter vacation is an exciting way to escape the winter blues, BBB encourages travellers to investigate before committing to holiday travel plans.

When looking for travel deals, be sure to check these travel tips off your list:

  • Free doesn’t always mean free. Study the details of the “free offer,” including any other additional fees, restrictions or special terms.
  • Ask about payment and refund policies. If you’re required to pay money upfront, it could be a red flag. Also ask what happens if you suddenly have to cancel your trip or make alternate travel plans.
  • Be wary of claims you “won” a trip. Generally, if you’ve truly won something, it will be given to you as a gift. Be especially leery if the offer is unsolicited. Check on any offers with BBB first.
  • Get it in writing. Confirm details such as total cost, extra fees, any applicable restrictions, flights, hotel reservations and car rental information. Keep written information and take copies with you on your trip.
  • Use a credit card to pay. This offers the most protection should something go wrong. Read all receipts, credit card statements and bank statements to make sure there were no hidden charges.
  • Consider purchasing travel insurance. Circumstances could cause you to cancel your trip, return home early or force you to seek emergency medical treatment while travelling.

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