Fun in the SUN!


Most of us look forward to spending time in the summer sun. The word “SUN” can remind us of ways we can stay healthy this summer!

S: Substance Use

A cold beverage on a hot day is inviting. Often that beverage contains alcohol, our most commonly used substance. Alcohol affects us all differently. Knowing our limits can keep us safe! When drinking alcohol, plan in advance how much you will drink, and how you will get home safely. Drinking alcohol is normal in our society. It should also be normal to choose not to drink. Act as a good role model by using substances safely!

U: Unplug

Being outdoors gets us away from screens and gives us the chance to connect with others and the environment, learn new skills, talk without distraction, and rest our brains. Here’s how to reduce screen time during the summer.

– Limit screens, especially for younger children. Let them learn by playing and doing instead. Set time and place limits on screen use. No screens at the dinner table or during a board game creates space for family connection.

– Does the TV need to be on all the time? Do we need to be on our phones while watching a movie? Be more intentional about screen use.

– Replace screen time with other fun activities like playing cards, exercising, cooking, or listening to music.

– Watch screens with your children to make sure their media exposure is positive and reflects your family’s values.

– Be a healthy role model. Pay attention to your own screen use.

N: Nourish

Nourishing means to take action that helps us grow and be healthy. Consider the “heads, hearts, and hands”.

Our head is what we know. What new things have you learned? What topics would you like to know more about? This could include cooking skills, history facts, or learning to speak another language or play an instrument.

Our heart is our passions and purpose. Summer can be a great time to explore our passions and feel like active participants in our community by doing things that matter.

Our hands are about putting plans into action! Can you take what you know and are passionate about and turn that into actions that create a feeling of support, collaboration, and most importantly, fun?

Make your wellbeing a priority – remember, we need to nourish to flourish!

Community Health Promotion Services Team, Alberta Health Services