Gentle Intentions


This year, be kind to yourself and consider setting some “gentle intentions”. Instead of focusing on big, overwhelming changes, gentle intentions reflect on small things we can do each day to improve our wellbeing. Don’t confuse the size of the action with its ability to create positive, lasting change… because they are smaller and more reasonable, gentle intentions are more likely to last and make a meaningful difference in 2022!

Here Are a Few Gentle Intentions to Consider in the New Year:

  • Sleep

Create habits that help you get a good night’s sleep. Stop looking at screens before bed, write your thoughts about the day in a journal, read a good book, or taking a mindful moment to relax before getting some Zzz’s.

  • Nutrition

You have to nourish to flourish! To take care of others, you must take care of yourself. Learn how you can use and/or contribute to local food banks, healthy food boxes, or community fridges.

  • Helping Others

Everyone can use a helping hand from time to time. Think about the ways you can be active and helpful to your community. Volunteer. Surprise your neighbour by shoveling their walkway or inviting them over for a cup of tea!

  • Supportive Connections

Think about the natural supports in your life, like friends, family, or members of your faith community. Check in with them after the excitement of the holidays is over. Rather than just responding, problem solving, or offering advice, try to offer support by listening more than you talk.

  • Physical Activity

Even though it may be cold, snowy, or slippery, try to enjoy winter. Dress warm and get outside, visit your community skating rink, or simply take a beautiful winter stroll while enjoying a hot cocoa.